Tip design - Lakefield strip


Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
I'm replacing a broken stem strip on a longitudinal strip canoe, and am trying to puzzle out the tip design. It appears the kingplank doesn't go all the way to the front as most pics I've seen do. The arrowhead-shaped stem appears to come up above the deck height. The kingplank would appear to butt up to the back of the stem. Two rows of tacks follow the stem right up, and the gunnel appears to rise up slightly at the end to line up with the tall stem.

Any similar canoe I've seen has a stem band extension at the tip for a painter ring, and then comes down to the kingplank (covering the stem) and back. This one would appear to come down to the top of the stem and back.

That would leave a butt joint between the back of the stem and the kingplank. Is that how some were made? Or maybe the front of the king (now missing) was bevelled down to cover the stem? Or maybe I'm just looking at it wrong.

Any info/thoughts appreciated. Photos would be awesome. Thanks!


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Your deck tips at some time have dropped, a common occurence with these types. Iv'e had to steam several Burleigh falls boat decks to get them back flush at the ends, since the last screw is before the ends typically and the curve comes out. At some time someone seems to have sanded down the gunwhale height, as you can see in the first picure. The kingplank would extend to to the end, covering inner and outer stems, and the stemband would go over and back to the one still visible screw hole. Not great shots of the fallen decks, but one set had been removed from the boat so lost some curve. Others drop in place as well, and need to be removed to be steamed back.


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Thanks Andre, that would explain a lot! And it's the only thing that seems to make sense. I hadn't thought they could move that much, but the curve there is quite extreme, and that might also explain why the kingplank ends are missing. They might have fractured from trying to hold up the decks. Hard to believe they would have dropped that much over such a short distance, but those decks are quite thick, and can probably exert quite a bit of force. Identical at both ends too. The price paid for such an upswept bow!

Don't want to lose the decal, so will try splicing an end section on and see how it looks...
I think the picture below may be a good veiw of a longer decked Lakefeild Circa '15-'20. It it a board and batten but the decks were done the same...100_8220 - Square.jpg
Great photo, thank you for that, I'll use it as a guide. I've seen other pics now with dropped decks, so as Andre said, it must have been fairly common (now that I know what to look for). Yours look great. Interesting too is that mine doesn't use countersunk screws to hold the stem band on like yours, just tacks. (except for on top). Maybe that's partly why they didn't survive, although since tacks require a smaller hole, you'd think they'd retain more brass strength. Could have just been hard living.

Any chance you have a trapezoidal bow seat :) ?
The stembands on the Lakefeild I did, (above) are not the originals...Round headed screws were in them...
Thanks for the info, I'm undecided on whether to dis-assemble the decks to fix it, or just add a stepped king extension to the end. Think I'll try the extension (and see how it looks) and save a full restoration for another day. Wonder if putting a brass extension under the stem band would look better than wood... hmm.