Max Peterson
LOVES Wooden Canoes
Paddle the Potomac from Paw Paw, WV to Little Orleans, MD on Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3. George Reid (724-437-2967) has done this trip many times and will be our contact person. Give him a call and let him know that you will be joining us. We will meet at Paw Paw at 9:00 A.M. Saturday morning, arrange shuttles, and plan to be on the water by 10:30. There is an excellent campground for Sat. night, and a car could be located there for anyone wanting only to do one day. Individuals on the trip are responsible for their own equipment and meals. Everyone I've talked to who knows this route says that it is a great trip. This is relatively short notice so call George today and plan to join us. Members from other chapters would be welcome also.