Has anyone ever heard of a "Three Rivers Canoe Maker" from Maine? There is a sign advertising their name with "Birch bark - Canvas" up for auction on March 27th at https://www.auctionzip.com/auction-lot/lot_11C4887A58 in South Paris, Maine. The list of Maine Canoe Builders at http://wcha.org/catalogs/maine-list.htm doesn't include them and I've not found any other reference to an early Maine canoe builder using this name. The messages at http://www.wcha.org/forums/index.php?threads/834/ reference two modern builders using this name in Canada and South Carolina but I suspect that neither of them worked in birch bark. This sign may be a fake but it looks old. Has anyone else ever heard of this company and can you provide any more details? Joseph Ranco is the only canoe builder I know who is documented to have worked in both birch bark and canvas. See http://www.wcha.org/forums/index.php?attachments/39942/ from 1888 for more about this. I will not be bidding on this sign. Thanks,