Thoughts on TotalWood "Gleam Spar Varnish" vs "Marine Wood Finish"


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I've been getting emails from Jamestown Distributors touting the above new varnishes from TotalBoat. The Gleam Spar apparently has a Tung Oil base while the Marine Wood Finish has a Linseed oil base. Any thoughts for use on canoes? Any thoughts on Linseed oil vs Tung? Might one dry quicker than the other? or change the wood color more? I've used Epifanes in the past (uses Tung oil I believe) - my only wish is that it dried quicker (and was cheaper!). Here's the links:
I add one ounce of Japan Dryer to each can of Epifanes. I varnish late in the day, and expect it to be dry to touch in the morning so I can continue working on other stuff. In times of high humidity, I run a dehumidifier to keep the humidity under 50%. 95% of the time the varnish is dry enough and if not it is fine by noon.
I see no effect on the gloss or performance of the varnish.

Have not tried the Total Boat varnish. Tried their topside paint and was not impressed with the "roll ability"... Epifanes and Petitt are my go-to paints. They are consistent and have always performed well for me.
The brands you mention are of the highest quality and I would not argue that. However you mentioned costs! We have used Minwax Helmsman Spar varnish often. One canoe used most often still maintains luster after 15 years of summer use. One factor is it allows for expansion/contraction of temp change. An area wood boat builder first recommended to us and he believes the high gloss to be the most protective. Note the 6 hour dry time between coats. Are you in a hurry? A website is:

As for purchase of the really high quality products I would recommend buying at the WCHA assembly. Classic builders such as Jeff Burke and others have them for very competitive prices, or even on sale. Also their advice comes with it!

Oh Yeah, I love the smell of fresh varnish, it is a reminder that we are almost done!!! Bill