
Rob Brown

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Looking for age/date info on a project wood/canvas canoe I recently bought. Need instructions for posting photos.
some amusing history to my acquisition. I was just looking for a cheap coleman when I found an ad on Craigs List for this one for 50 bucks. The seller got it by default when one of his tenants died. The man claimed to have had it for over 50 yrs. All that was left from his estate to pay of the rent balance was this old canoe and a mule. True story. I have drawn some comparisons to the Steamship Arabia Museum in Kansas City. It was sunk in a storm in 1856, and the only bones recovered were from a mule!
I have some info on the canoe I recently bought as a project. Relatively certain now, that it is a Thompson 16 footer with a very flat sheer. the gunwales are spruce and the thwarts are white oak. no seats in it in and it appears that there never was as there are no markings in the gunwales to indicate bolt holes, etc.. the planking does run parallel to the keel, which looks like oak. Paint colors look like a turquoise blue, black and white. The interior is painted white. there are no 1/2 ribs. and there is a metal strap connecting the gunwales under the deck on one end. the other deck is an obvious replacement. I have several good photos I can email, but haven't figured out how to post them directly. Thanks for looking.