Ta da... E.M.White is done


Wooden Canoe Maniac
I've just completed that 16' E.M.White I picked up last year.
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Purists may note that the seats & thwarts are a little fancier than Whites had from the factory. I had to remake the seats anyway, so I decided to make them in the curvier Old Town style rather than just the slightly rounded sticks White gave it. Ditto with the thwarts.

And I am amazed: it weighs only 64#! Seems to me a typical 16' Old Town or Penn Yan I've completed weighs between 69# to 74#. This White has 3 full size thwarts plus a carry thwart, as well as those honking huge brass bang plates on either end.

O - some may note that the rails don't extend part the stem as often seen with Whites; this is the way this canoe was made. Note the copper strip that covers the end of the bang plates by the outer rail tips.