OFFICIAL CANOE BUSINESS: Planning meeting this Friday, 11/8/24. Plan on it!

Brad Fisher

LOVES Wooden Canoes
When: Friday 11/8
What time: 11 am - 1:30 pm

People of the Rivers:

Our annual planning meeting is coming up. We'll gather at Waterfront Hall in Wheeling, WV at 11 am for an hour or so of putting next year's calendar together, followed by lunch.

If you can't join us in person, here's the zoom info as provided by new member and volunteer Carolyn Glendening (THANK YOU CAROLYN):

Topic: November Wooden Canoe Club meeting
Time: Nov 8, 2024 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0658 4880
Passcode: CANOE

I've attached a pdf of a spreadsheet that lists last year's events and includes some of the ideas we're kicking around for 2025. Your input will make it happen!


Now that's a rough looking gang! How far from Davis are you all? Will be up that way first Saturday of December for the Jack Frost Fest at Whitegrass in the Canaan Valley. Will try to Zoom in.
Folks, Great meeting and schedule for 2025.
I would still like to do a "field trip" up to Peterborough to see the new museum. Obviously it would have to be sometime in the Spring. It's a bit awkward with my grandparenting duties, but maybe I can find a long weekend when she has a school holiday. We would need to get a hotel near to the museum. When my desk clears a bit, I will do some investigating. I would post it simply as an Ad Hoc event. -- Millie