Star shaped cracks, rib replacement?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
While stripping the varnish of my canoe I've come across quite a few of this (see images) type of damage to the ribs along with a few that are clearly broken. Most of these ribs don't look very badly damaged and it seems like they're still up for the job. Could they be salvageable, is there a definite way to tell? Could i get away without replacing these ribs or will I end up regretting this later?

Thank you much,

Jacob V.


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Hi Jacob,

Unless I am mistaken, those aren't cracks at all. It is from where the varnish cracked and allowed grunge to penetrate the cracks, weathering the wood below. I have seen the same thing on my canoes, and they aren't cracks.

My .02
Unless they are compression fractures. If there is no play in the ribs ignore them. For peace of mind you could surface coat the area with epoxy,
I tend to agree with the above comment from Mark.
Definitely cracks. If i push hard from the bottom you can see it opening up. I have to push quite hard and some are worse than others but there isn't much play at all. I guess I'll re-assess when I take the planking off.