Brad Fisher
LOVES Wooden Canoes
Rejoice, spring is coming; ice cover on Chautauqua Lake notwithstanding! Remember, our first on-water outing is April 30 at Moraine. Sometime before then, still to be scheduled, is our silk screening event at Tony and Anne’s in Pittsburgh. They’re still working out their schedule, and we’ll let you know as soon as that’s finalized.
In the meantime, here are a few random items:
Invasive species guides available
I just received a box of about a dozen guides to Aquatic Invasive Species from our January presenter, Amber Rose Stilwell of PA Sea Grant. I’ll bring them to our silk screening meeting to hand out. If you want one ahead of that, let me know and I’ll mail it to you. You can also download it as an app (see QR graphic below.)
Rushton project boat available
Someone in western Ohio has posted a Ruston boat for sale on Facebook. They want $800. Contact me for details. If no one snaps this boat up, should we think about adopting it as a chapter rehab project? It needs a lot of work. Let me know your thoughts.
Newsletter - April 1, no fooling
We’e received a nice feature story from Dave Arisumi and an infographic from Bud Glendening that will anchor our next newsletter. I’m working on a book report. If anyone has something to contribute in the way of essay, photo, book review, or other item of interest to our members, send it to me by March 15 and we’ll publish it.
Updated Event Schedule
I'm attaching an updated 2025 even calendar for your reference. See you soon!