some more pics

Andre Cloutier

Firestarter. Wicked Firestarter.
coaming, tin centerboard slot, canvas deck and so on


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where'd all the pictures go?
ah, file size too big....


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Anyone recognise the hardware?
The aft deck plate appears to be chrome plated bronze.I got one of those circa 1920.
I haven't seen a johnson post type cleat like that since I forget.Cast bronze again.Deck cleats may be retro but I'm really not sure.
more pics

John, here are some shots where you can see the canvas strip under the deck; deck canvas overlapped that, then hull canvas was later added and the ugly gunnels which had more modern bedding compound or some sort of sealant
Decks are not battened, hull caulking was whitish


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hull shot and peterborough sponson

Just need the hull to thoroughly dry out now so we can get the first coat of fiberglass on her...:D
here's a shot of the peteroborough, can see where the glass is peeling - thankfully it hasnt adhered well - ignore the basswood and canvas wrap on one sponson


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No, I'm not going to glass the sailing canoe, it'll make a great set of bookshelves without spending the $ on resin, I'm just not sure where to make the cut....

Just kidding, wanted to see who was watching
Andre, the caulking is white lead.Don't eat it.Don't use it for serving hors- devours.
The deck is old style for canvas.I would redate this prewar(1).
The cap for the centreboard slot appears to be one piece.I really like that touch.The coaming is so deep cause this boat had no sliding seat.Built for cruising but rigged for racing.I'm curious as to wether the centreboard was boiler plate and how deep it might have been.Probably it would be useful for ballast.
Lots of nails.Lucky they weren't household type.
Lots of nails? I'll probably check the price for scrap copper and brass, there were hundreds, about 2-3 per inch; canvasser must have been on piecework.
As for the white lead, I only do what the voices in my head tell me to.
heres some shots, one of the stern, very nice lines, and a cockpit shot etc
The centerboard slot trim is really nice, one piece and well done, as is the coaming trim that was over the canvas on the deck, nice original work for what would have been a canvas covered deck for sure.


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So John, if you redate pre-WW1, then when its back in the water and rigged we could try for this ?:eek:
Found it stuffed up in the bow...
or did I just ingest too much white lead?


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I had one of those but left it somewhere.
Somebody suggests this boat is in the build your own sailing canoe edition 1894,but I suspect it may be a Bastien Brothers boat from Hamilton.