Shuttle Bunny Requirements.


Shuttle Bunny
I've been told my Duties as a Shuttle Bunny are to arrive at the final destination Scantliy Clad Bearing Cold Beverages and Hot Food. Are there any other suggestions as to what 2 guys paddling the North Saskatchewan River for 4 weeks could use when I pick them up. Keep it clean;)
I think that about covers all the necessary minimium requirements,except maybe to always be punctual.Oh and bring lots
out the door

Leaving today for a month long canoe journey.I have been retracing the old fur traders route from west to east in bits and pieces as time and work dictate.In a wood canvas canoe
This summer Larry Bowers (West Coast Canoes)and I will paddle from North Battleford SK to The Pas MB on the North and Saskatchewan Rivers.
The picture is of our canoes and gear.
We will try to update and post pictures as we travel along


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GOOD LUCK FELLAS, HAVE A GREAT TRIP. May you have several scantily clad ladies bearing gifts all along the way.
"Leaving today for a month long canoe journey"....

What else is there to say? Good luck, enjoy and take lots of pictures. And send in some trip reports.

Shuttle Bunny Requirements....
"Scantliy Clad Bearing Cold Beverages and Hot Food".

Like I said, take lots of pictures:)
Their First Check in

Hello to everyone who is following the trip Dan and Larry are on . I just thought I would let you know that they headed out from North Battleford on Thursday Morning, and were at Borden Bridge on Saturday July 1. So far it sounds like everything is going Great. I will keep you posted. Hope You all had a great long weeked.
Making Good Progress

Hi everyone

The Boys called this morning July 3 they were coming up to Fort Carlton. They are paddling 20 - 22 miles a day. They weather has been hot, but they are having a great time. No pictures yet though maybe when they hit Prince Albert. Till the next check in have a great day
After several 30 plus day trips in the north the one thing not to bring the paddlers is, fried food. How many times have I landed in a northern community and made straight for the KFC only because that is usually the only food available in most communities? What an awful way to end a trip of decent eating and lots of excersize.
It's great that you can do this. Every extended trip I've paddled, by two weeks in, I start thinking wouldn't it be cool for my lovely wife decided to meet me at the end or as close to the end of the trip as she can get without chartering a bush plane. It has never happened of course but maybe she will surprise me one day.
The worst part of every long trip is getting home after the paddling is over. I've had enough of my canoe mate and I harbor certain needs that have to wait until I get home.
Enjoy the pick up!
Prince Albert

Good Morning Everyone:)

Heard from the Guys this morning. They are just the other side of Prince Albert Saskatchewan. They had originally planned to spend a day there but decided against it as they were having trouble finding a place to land and leave their canoes, and feeling comfortable about their(canoes & possesions) safety :eek: .They are having a great time though averaging 25 miles a day now. They have seen lots of wildlife and the weather has been great. I am going to register them as part of the Saskatchewan Voyageur Program. When they complete their trip they will be official Saskatchewan Voyageurs. I found this during my internet travels it is a site with some really great information for anyone wanting to paddle in Saskatchewan
Well I will sign off for today. Anyone wanting to send any messages to the feel free they enjoy hearing me pass on your posts.

Have a Great Day:
Here are some Pics

Well the guys managed to get into town and upload some of the pics they have taken along the way. The Bison were at Elk Island Park on the way to North Battleford. The Shot with the stop sign is actually a beaver dam and they found the sign laying on top of it. Only Dan could spot and pick up a pair of antlers on his canoe trip. There are also pictures of Fort Carlton. Enjoy the pics I know they enjoyed taking them.


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A few more pics

More Pics for you to enjoy


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At the Forks

Hello Everyone

The Guys called this morning (July 8). They were at the Forks, where the two Saskatchewan rivers come together. They had paddled 30 miles the day before, Going through 12 sets of rapids, the canoes hit rocks twice but recieved no damage. Just as they had crawled into their tents for the night it started to rain, which was a releif from the bugs. As they venture further north the cell coverage may become more limited so I'm not sure when I will here from them again. Till next time cheerio....
Almost there....

Hi Everyone.

Well the guys had reached Cumberland House on Wed they were planning to spend a day there but decided against it and pressed on today. The had some rain today and when they pulled out their golf umbrellas to sheild the rain the wind caught the umbrellas as a make shift sail and before they knew it 21 miles were well behind them. They are fast approaching the Pas and will probably arrive there in the next few days. I fly out tommorrow to spend the weekend with family and it looks like I will have to head out to pick them up on Monday or Tuesday. I can't believe how fast it went. If I hear from them over the weekend, I'll post one more time before I head out. Take care for now
Thaks for the pics and reports. It has been fun following the trip and also a good reminder for me that the restoration I'm working on is not the end in itself.............getting out on a trip like that is the true reward.
Larry and I are home .We had a tremendous trip.Im waiting for some pictures to be developed so that I can post a few and add to those already posted.We travelled somewhere around 450 miles by w/c canoe.
The stop sign story We saw this sign atop a beaver lodge( seems signs make excellent lodges or maybe up the realestate lodge value).We dragged the sign ontop of an island just above the beaver lodge and dug a hole and planted it.Voila stop sign island! its pointing upstream so should be seem by passing paddlers and maybe wonder about it.
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We sure did have a great time. We seen huge amounts of wildlife bears to elk. Met many wonderful people along the way. It seems people in canoes only draw friendly people. Enjoyed many sunsets, not to long however.

The schedule was usually like this,, bull flys and small biting flys. Then a stop and set up for dinner and some annoying black flys. Then as the sun when down as regular as clock work,,, in Dan's words ,,,,,,,,out comes the boiling hoard,,, mosquitos.. A quick good night and off to bed :eek: I got used most of the bugs but in all honesty never seen so many mosquitos. Being from Vancouver Island.. if you see one you figure he is lost really :p

it was a great time.


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the next set of pics are taken at the forks of the north and south saskatchewan river. It had just finished raining extremely hard and there was lots of extreme wind. The one photo was taken as I floated backwards and dan said take a pic of me. At that moment I had been wind blown all over and already struggling to be going the right direction. Seemed like a good moment for a picture :confused:

We also put the spray deck on a day later after all the sets of rapids. :) Still more pic to come with time. Hope you enjoy them.


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