Shell lake i.d.


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Greetings to all
I just recently acquired what appears to be a shell lake 17ftr. in excellent condition. It even has the logo decal. What puzzles me is that the only marking is a 17 etched on the upper surface of internal keel, in the usual place, I cant find any other numbers anywhere. Can anyone please comment on this. The craft has all the earmarks of a shell lake deluxe guide model:)
things to check

does it have a dado under the decks with a threaded rod going through the inwales and deck? Does the planking look horizontal? I don't really know why there are no numbers on the stems unless they've been sanded off? Or Maybe it's a late canoe and the numbers weren't stamped in? Internal Keel? Do you mean stem? Or is there a keelson? Can you manage attachments and add photos? I suppose a fake decal could have been added. I'd guess that the number got sanded off the stem. Well, most of it.
shell lake id

Hi Dave
Thanks for your timely response. I,m 100% sure that what I have is a shell lake. Yes it does have the threaded rods, double planking,longitudinalstrips on the floor, and these very uniquely mounted and seats that are quite unique. All woodwork is mahogany (except planking and ribs), and the planking does appear to be horizontal as is a classic earmark.
I had to replace the exposed stem strips at both ends (they are nailed to the stems. I built them up of laminations of ash. Came out pretty good. I am still working on boat. I also replaced the keel. Yes, the 17 is stamped on the keel stem, but unable to rell if there were other nos. This is a heavy duty craft, and i"m glad that I got it Almost done with the stripping. How should I treat the intereior wood before I varnish it. THANKS STAN

after stripping and a wash, maybe with tsp, (most folks don't use boiled linseed oil on the inside as it darkens). You can dye, or stain, or not. The first coat of varnish is generally cut quit a bit with thinner, up to 50/50. With less thinner each coat thereafter. But first, make sure it's sanded adequately. 220 is generally accepted.

I did not much care for all the nails used in Shell Lake canoes.
Thanks dave for the quick replies and info. My inventory now is up to 9 now, with my acquisition of a much wanted Adirondack guideboat. My favorite being the 1945 OT yankee, But me Penn yan scout is equally thought of. My new england roots I suppose give me a natural affinity for wood canoes, But a trip to the minnesota lake district a few years ago, and 1 canoe ride got me reinvigorated.