Serial Number Search Request


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I have a OT 18' Guides Model, SN 174355 18. Any information about the history of the canoe is appreciated. I bought it many years ago at an estate sale for relatively little money and wonder what it is worth today.
Though I don't know how to post the build record [perhaps someone else will]
here is the information about your canoe: Shipped July 6, 1965 to Beckley hdwe & supply Co., Beckley W.Va.
It is an 18 foot guide but it is noted it was built on an OCTA form.
For gunnels it states 1965 rail line. I don't know what that is. Perhaps Benson will answer that when he gets back from the WCHA board meeting. Your boat has a keel. Painted Guide Special green. It has a note that it has narrow planking 2 3/4 " . There is also a note under filler that says '64.
Does that match your canoe? If note post here again. This information came from the disks that Dan Miller and Benson Grey made.
Denis -

Thank you for the prompt reply and interesting information. The canoe must have been relatively new when be bought it. I don't remember the exact year, but it was in the mid to late '60's. The canoe was near Charleston, WV when we got it, so that fits with the Beckley, WV information. I'd be interested in knowing what "OCTA form", "1965 Rail Line" and "2-3/4" narrow planking" mean relative to other possibilities for construction. It has a keel and my wife assures me it is green (I am red-green color blind).

We have used the canoe on lakes in Canada and in both WV and NC. It is a very stable canoe and great for transporting gear and small children.

The build record for this canoe is attached below. The information at should help you value this canoe. A guide's model can be built on the Otca form by lowering the ends. I don't know exactly how the rail lines changed from 1964 to 1966 but your canoe was built with the 1965 style line. The factory was also experimenting with a narrower two and 3/4 inch wide planking at this time. Please reply here if this doesn't answer your questions and I will try to reply more quickly.



  • 174355.gif
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Benson - Thank you for the information. It provides a better appreciation of the canoe.
