Seeking reputable Repair person for Old Town Canoe 48 inch Scale Model


Curious about Wooden Canoes
:confused: I don't know where to turn when it comes to something like this. I am not about to attempt this list of minor repairs without the advice of WHCA experts!

I may be selling my beloved Old Town 48 Inch model canoe. It could be sold "as is" or with trust and enough time I would consider trying to have it repaired.

The list of needed repairs are in my other thread asking about auctions for this type of Old Town canoe link:

Are there any good repair persons in the Reno NV or Lake Tahoe CA or Northern California area? If yes, please contact!

If all of you experts are huddled East of the Mississippi please feel free to post your info here, too.

Thank you!
Mark Adams is in Reno and is often here. If it is one of those sample display canoes it might be worth more untouched.
Wow! What luck...Mark and I will be meeting.

FWIW, It breaks my heart to consider selling this store model Old Town canoe, but there comes a time...

Any and all advice (including thread drift, if allowed by admin) is perfectly fine and actually beneficial to this situation! Feel free to drift away... (excuse the pun, lol!) :o