Section for Fishing?


I love the web site, and I do a whole lot more browsing than writing. With all the different topics being served, have you ever thought about adding a section for canoe fishing-related entries? I would think that a lot of people using the site do at least a bit of fishing in their wood canoes (I know I do), and having a dedicated location to share info could prove popular.
That's the sort of thing that can go into the "Open Forums" section, or even into the "Places to Paddle" section.

Section for Fishing

I understand what you're saying, but at the same time I guess that's part of my point. Currently you may find or post comments about fishing in any one of several portions of the site, but if someone wants to see what's been going on (if anything) from a fishing standpoint, it's going to take a lot of digging under the current setup to try to find something (anything) of interest or help.

I also suspect that there may be quite a few people out there who really haven't done a lot of fishing, but now that they're into wooden canoes they are wondering how to get started, where to go etc.

Personally, I fish 40-50 days a year from my current wood/fiberglass canoe (a 10 year-old Langford), and I have visions for doing a lot more once (if!) my 1940 OT Yankee project boat gets back on the water. I see fishing from canoes as great fun, a return to traditional methods and a bit of a personal protest against the current trends of relying upon technology (read: Bass Boats) for all forms of recreation. I believe that fishing has a lot more to offer for those who aren't interested at all in competition, but want to return to the fun of the chase and the peace and quiet that canoeing provides.

Again, just a thought.
Why is fishing from a wooden boat or canoe significant? Seems like the fish hit and fight pretty much the same whether I use either my wooden canoes, boat or my royal flex tub....

I would be kind of disappointed to see good canoe related topics getting high jacked for fishing stories. I don't read these posts for fishing stories. OK, every now and then one slips in, but.......
The site does give a perfect place for you to post. The Open Forum is for off topics even remotely related to wooden canoes. That should be a perfect place for these discussions...

Or how about this:
Your point is appreciated. Yes, many people do enjoy both fishing and wooden canoes, often at the same time, and surely there are people here who would enjoy discussing fishing (particularly from a wooden canoe). However, the WCHA website could quickly become overwhelmingly large and unreasonably diverse (with respect to the mission of the WCHA) if all of the things associated with wooden canoes were included as separate sections. In addition to a fishing section there could be sections for hunting, camping, antique boat shows, woodworking tools, woodworking techniques, shop design, fly tying, bamboo rod construction, photography, videography, wildlife, and on and on. All of the topic areas that currently exist are directly related to wooden canoes and their construction, repair, use and history.

Many people post about things that have little direct relevance to wooden canoes, and I'm sure there are people who get something out of most of these posts. Surely there are many who share your passion for fishing, so please do post. In fact, your last post is an makes an interesting philosophical point about shedding technology in order to better appreciate the simple beauty of an outdoor sport. This would make a nice essay for Wooden Canoe, or for the Open Forum section here. While posting to "Open Froum" might be less glamorous than posting to a section entitled "Fishing from a Wooden Canoe", you'd find that your post would be just as lost as you worry now if it were posted to one of a hundred specialty sections.

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CParker said:
I love the web site, and I do a whole lot more browsing than writing. With all the different topics being served, have you ever thought about adding a section for canoe fishing-related entries? I would think that a lot of people using the site do at least a bit of fishing in their wood canoes (I know I do), and having a dedicated location to share info could prove popular.

I spend a fair amount of time fishing from my birch bark canoe. As long as your paddling around out there with nothing else to do, why not catch something to eat eh? :cool:


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Section for Fishing

Beautiful Lake Trout, and an even prettier boat! I would guess that Beaver feels that he enjoys his time fishing from a bark canoe much more than he would if he were fishing the same lake from a Grumman or even (egad!) a Ranger. I would also venture to say that he would have great advice to share with others who may be new to the sport or wondering how to get started, but know that the Bass Boat/bigger-is-better experience just isn't quite what he/she is looking for.

In response to the prior comment "Why is fishing from a wooden boat or canoe significant?", I believe it should be obvious to everyone visiting this web site. There is just something special about being in a wooden canoe that enhances every activity you use one for, even the humble search for a few fish.

I also don't think that you'd need to worry about a fishing forum getting so large that it takes away from the key goals of the web site, since the only people who would even see the postings would be those interested in wood canoes in the first place.

Again, it was just a thought. If I see any fishing-related postings in the future that I feel I can contribute to, I will.

Thanks again.
OK, I will start.....

My story.A long while back I was camping at Lake Eaton near Long Lake ,Adirondack mts,NY. I didnt know what an impact it would be but one early morning a bear came into camp and I threw my clothes on in seconds and shot out of the tent to get a glimpse of the brute.(Dont know why my wife and 2 kids didnt hear anything).Well all was clear and my eyes then glimpsed over to the aluminum rowboat I rented for a little fishing. I thought hey. the kids arent up to bother me ,why not get in a little early morning fishing.So I quietly slipped out into the lake and rowed and rowed till I was about in the middle.The fog was slowly lifting from the water and as I was trolling a lure out of the fog I see a curved bow of a canoe.It looked so beautiful and there was a women silently paddling it.I mean there wasnt a sound.As she passed near me I just waved good morning as she quickly disappeared into the fog again. But that image burned into my brain the foggy lake and forested shorline with that canoe cutting thru without a sound.That led to a long journey for me which incredibly included another miracle.While camping a few years later at a particular week I heard about the WCHA Assembly. Well I was in heaven after that. I had to learn all about the old canoes that are no longer made and it seemed that was the ones I wanted most! So it was I who got Rollin to build the 16ft 1902 Rushton Indian Girl mould from plans that I bought so that I could get a new "old style canoe" . Yes it was me that urged Rollin to get over to the Adirondack museum and draw up plans from an original 1895 BN Morris 15 ft canoe so that I could own such a beauty and enjoy it . And while I was at it Mr. Comb raised from the dead a 1920 E.M White 17ft canoe by taking the lines from an original and built the form of which his video building a W/C Canoe and Form features my first canoe-EMILY on it! I am so proud of these crafts and every trout or bass I catch from it is very special because it all fits naturally to the environment. So if Im not prodding the waters with a Fred Arbogast Hula popper for smallmouths, Im trolling a streamer on a sinking flyline while doing the indian stroke for hours upon hours on my knees while landing brook trout ,rainbows or browns which I heartily devour.I swear there must be some Indian blood in me to stir up this passion. Yes then theres the 6pt buck I killed with my Hill Longbow and cedar arrows I made ............
The thing about fish stories--
But the fisherman's oath is-If one guy lies, the other guy has to swear to it.
Fishing from a Wood Canoe

That's what I'm talking about! Fishing can be a beautiful thing; fishing from a beautiful boat is even better! On the local lakes I haunt, I'm always struck by how much quieter I can be than the other idiots out there fishing just because I'm in a wooden as opposed to an aluminum boat, and am actively trying to paddle as quietly and as stealthily as I can. There are many times when I feel like I'm at not only a fish-catching advantage, but also a wildlife spotting one. I can hear some of those aluminum boats coming a half-mile away just from the smallest of waves slapping against their sides.

I also believe that there is more pleasure in using a boat that you have either personally built or restored or even just need to maintain every now and then, as opposed to something that you give no thought to nor have any pride in. Similar to the difference between owning/driving/maintaining a classic car for the pleasure it gives you versus jumping in the mini-van for the morning commute.

Using equipment that you build and/or maintain has also lead me to build my own graphite fly and spinning rods and to tie my own flies and make my own spinners. My next step may be to get an older Jeep to restore and maintain, to put my old canoe on, and to drag my sorry old self out for a morning on the lake.

Once the water softens up a bit, that is.

Thanks for reminding me that it won't be winter forever!
Dave Wermuth said:
The thing about fish stories--
But the fisherman's oath is-If one guy lies, the other guy has to swear to it.

There are tall tales & there are fish tails but wood canoes are wood canoes:cool:


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In Michigan, at my secret spot the smallmouth fishing seems a bit behind the typical year. The fishes are running 12" to 20" with 15" or 16" the average. I hear Lake St Clair has some whoppers. I fish the wade-able bays and flats on Lake Huron. Zonkers and Wooly Buggers work well. A five pounder would have to go the the taxidermist. I've heard that Erie has huge walleyes too.

Ethical treatment of animals includes good recipes, right?

In Michigan, at my secret spot the smallmouth fishing seems a bit behind the typical year. The fishes are running 12" to 20" with 15" or 16" the average. I hear Lake St Clair has some whoppers. I fish the wade-able bays and flats on Lake Huron. Zonkers and Wooly Buggers work well. A five pounder would have to go the the taxidermist. I've heard that Erie has huge walleyes too.

Ethical treatment of animals includes good recipes, right?
"Quetico Fishing"

The good Spirits were with us recently. We got the Grand Slam in the Quetico Wilderness. Our catch included smallmouth bass, northern pike, walleye & namaycush (Cree word for lake trout.)
Favorable winds and weather made for a fine trip.:cool:


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Thanks for posting the photos, Ferd! A wonderful trip...again!!

Was fishing in the 11' Chestnut Featherweight last night. It was magical as the sun waned. That canoe is like a little water bug on the water! 6 bass were caught and released in about 40 minutes. The bass were biting. So were the noseeums. The noseeums finally won out over the bass so I got off the water and out of the woods. I even had noseeum bites on the arches of my feet! The little buggers really like me for some reason......
Northwoods chillin' at it's best!!
A story about fishing and wooden canoes......

Here is a story about fishing and wooden canoes. Actually it is a story about me.....,canoe restoration....., and fishing. I'm not trying to honk my own horn here, but thought you would be some of you would be interested in it. Anytime anything "wood canoe" gets published it should be shared with those of like interests.
Have at it!

Really enjoyed it. She's a good writer. And I couldnt' help but notice, pretty too. The kind of stuff people connect with. And getting out the word about the viability of w/c canoes is a good thing.
Thanks for posting Dave.