I guess that I have been lucky up to this point. All of my canoes are old enough to have caned seats.
All except my beater Penobscot. This canoe has the impossible to replace routed frame with the single piece caned insert and GLUED IN rush insert.
OMG, what a PITA!
I must have spent two hours digging out the old glue and cane. No wonder people buy new seats instead of fixing them.
It occurred to me that smarter folks have done this repair and that they must have some tricks to share. Is there a better way than digging the old seat material our with a knife and chisel? Can you run a small router bit through the old material without destroying the frame?
I am very interested to hear how others have done this repair.
All except my beater Penobscot. This canoe has the impossible to replace routed frame with the single piece caned insert and GLUED IN rush insert.
OMG, what a PITA!

I must have spent two hours digging out the old glue and cane. No wonder people buy new seats instead of fixing them.
It occurred to me that smarter folks have done this repair and that they must have some tricks to share. Is there a better way than digging the old seat material our with a knife and chisel? Can you run a small router bit through the old material without destroying the frame?
I am very interested to hear how others have done this repair.