This may be mostly personal opinion, so treat it accordingly.
I think that canoe seats look better if the seat (and thwart) edge rounding are not symmetrical, top and bottom. Thwarts just plain look better and seats are more comfortable if the top is shaped with a larger radius. I hesitate to put any numbers to it, but a top radius about twice the bottom radius seems about right. A parabolic rounding is also better, in my opinion.
As far as the transition from rounded over to a square shape, there are lots of methods.
I did my thwarts with rasps, files and sandpaper. If there?s a ?trick? to it, it?s working to an accurate layout, cutting flat facets to keep everything symmetrical, then doing the final smoothing with coarse paper.
An alternative, using a router would be to temporarily attach a ramp (maybe curved) to the edge of the seat so that the router guide leads off the frame gradually rather that stopping abruptly.