Sanding before glassing


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Nearing the lamination phase of my 16' Northwest River Canoe. Have read in various places about how much sanding is needed. Some say 60-grit, others say fine. Some say sand until you're satisfied, others until you've had enough (that happened before I got the glue drips sanded away!).

The real question is - Does the wood need to be smooth as a baby's bottom, or are a 50+ woodworkers hands smooth enough? Does the epoxy resin really need an anchor tooth to "grab" onto?
My objective, is to remove swirl marks left by my ROS. I stop using the ROS at 100 or 120 grit, and then hand sand with either 120, or 150 grit.
I believe the epoxy will bond fine, whether it was finished with 80, or 120 grit. going more than 80, is more for appearance.
