Robinson Canoe

Do you mean J.R. Robertson?

and did you end up with the one on ebay? :confused: :D :o

If you mean Robertson, Michael Grace and I had a long email chat about them, and I'll try and post some things we derived, but otherwise I'm not aware of a sure fire way to date them. Maybe some others on the forums can assist too.
Yah, I guess you could be right on too.

Definitely deserves a closer look.

You know, those thwarts look alittle more "Maine-like".

Yes I did mean Robertson not Robinson and yes I did end up with the ebay canoe that ended last night. Now I have to make a trip to Mass. I put in a low bid only so I would not be kicking myself later for having not bid on a nice boat and ended up winning it. I also have to convince my wife that I really did need another canoe. Like the sign said: "If I buy another canoe my wife is going to leave me - damn I'm going to miss her." I presumed it was a Robertson maybe it is a Kennebec. Thanks, Jim C.
Good home.

Didn't mean to be nosy, just interested to know it found a good home. Look it over and let us know what you find! I have a reported Robertson short deck with a serial number on the stem and a longer decked one that I cannot find a serial no. on. Michael Grace told me to look for numbers stamped on a rib below the coaming, but I haven't found one there yet either. I have found Robertson "wave form" stamps on top of the thwarts near the rails on both boats.

As I mentioned to Dave above, the thwarts do seem to be thinner on your canoe.