RIP Danny Sutherland

Dan Miller

cranky canoeist
Staff member
I learned today that Danny Sutherland passed away Saturday morning February 18, of apparent heart failure. Danny was an extremely talented boat builder, canoe sailor and teacher,and will be greatly missed.
From an email by Richard Scofield who worked with Dan at CBMM:


It is with a heavy heart that I write the most difficult e-mail I have ever
written. Last night Dan Sutherland was taken to Memorial Hospital by ambulance
and they were unable to revive him. Dan died of apparent heart failure early
Saturday morning. This news is terribly hard on the boat shop on so many
levels. Danny was a true craftsman, skilled in so many ways but more than that
he was a great friend to us. Marc Barto and I have known Danny for well over
20 years. I was, and stiill am, thrilled to have had Danny working in our
shop. He is very well known nationally as a boat builder but also as one of
the best judges of Antique and Classic boats in the country. He was problay the
world's greatest expert on the boats of the famous designer and builder J H
Ruston, Dan having built over 50 of his boats. As a builder of lap straked
small boats I consider Danny the equal of any one in the country and it has been
my great privelige to have watched him work his magic in our shop for the last 4
1/2 years.

Danny was a great teacher .
In our boat shop we pass on the skills through our classes and our Apprenticeship
Program and Danny personified that. He will be sorely missed.

The Boat Shop
First Glimpse at a 16-30?

I don't know if I recall all the particulars correctly, but I was out at Keuka for the WCHA Assembly. My wife grew up in Hammondsport, down at the end of the lake, and a family friend worked at Dan's shop. The family friend offered to take me up there to see Dan's shop and the boats in the vicinity. What a wonderful place for a wooden boat nut like me. Dan took us around the shop, I saw a nice Penn Yan canoe and there was this particular project nearing completion..I think it was my first glimpse at a 16-30 sailing canoe.

Best wishes to his friends and family. He has touched more lives than you know.

Upon hearing this i glanced up at the framed picture hung over my desk of Danny on my just finished 16/30 at Clayton, way out on the board on a hike. I was thrilled he was the first person to sail it, and after putting it through it paces he pronounced it 'fit'. Of course i bought him a beer afterwards, and i've been trying to sail like that ever since. Sad there wont be any more moments like that. My thoughts go out to his family.
I will miss Dan! Small craft events will not be the same wihout him.

On the woodenboat forums, David Cockey noted:

A celebration of Sutherland's life is scheduled from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb.
25, at Sarrasin's On the Lake restaurant in Penn Yan, N.Y.

A memorial service and celebration of Dan's life will be held at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
on Saturday, March 10, at 2:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that
donations in memory of Daniel Sutherland be made to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime
Museum where they will be placed in CBMM's Boat Building Apprentice Endowment