restored Old Town info needed


New Member
I'm going to take a look at this canoe, which the seller has described as a restored Old Town. He has been unable to locate the serial number, but says the canvas is in great condition, no fiberglass was used, and it is in ready to use condition.
From the attached pics, do you see any glaring red flags, or areas of concern? Regarding the restoration, does anything look out of place? One thing I noticed which I don't believe I've seen before is the shape of one of the seats. Instead of the usual rectangular seats, one of these is shaped like a trapezoid - is this unusual or an indication of a replacement part?

Thanks for any info or tips you can provide. I'm early on in my wooded canoe education!



  • OldTown top.jpg
    OldTown top.jpg
    182.1 KB · Views: 278
  • OldTown side.jpg
    OldTown side.jpg
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This appears to be the same canoe that was for sale in Findlay last year for $800, which included some paddles. Then, it was supposedly restored by an industrial arts teacher. My best guess is that it is not an Old Town and it did not originally have closed gunnels. The trapezoidal seat is not likely to be original. The decks appear to be, which would probably make the canoe a Penn Yan. I never saw the canoe in person so that's the best info that I can give.
Thanks for the info!
Would this price range be fair for a boat in nice useable condition, but with questionable lineage, and likely some nonoriginal parts?
I'm mostly interested in a canoe which can be used, so am not too troubled by the replacement parts. However, if I needed to sell the canoe in the future, I would hope to be able to sell it for close to this amount. Would most buyers be turned of by the work that has been done?

Thanks again!
Based on my experience $800 for nice useable condition is a fair price. It looks like this should be a nice canoe to use.
And likely you can sell it for the same if you keep it in good repair.
Some buyers might be turned off by non-original, but there are likely more buyers like you that want a canoe they can use reguardless of how perfect it is.
If the canvas looks sound and the varnish is good now - buy it and enjoy it.
I think the price is now $1200 with no paddles. I probably saw this canoe "in the rough" when I picked up an Old Town sport boat years ago, a few miles south of its current home. Arubey, If you check the stem for the serial number?, it will likely start with RN or ON indicating a 16' rainbow or 16' owasco model Penn Yan.
From the pics it appears as though one of the ribs has a piece scarphed to it at an angle instead of the entire rib being replaced. I can't see any other rib repairs or replacements, but there probably are some. Look the canoe over carefully to make sure that you are satisfied with the restoration.
Thank you, everyone, for the tips, advice and information on this canoe. This forum has an amazing amount of information, and I'm impressed by how much info you've been able to provide based on the few small photos I posted!

I'm a bit heartbroken at the moment, but I've decided to pass for now. If anyone else is considering it, I will say that the seller was very pleasant in all communications and willing to anser my questions. I just feel I need to study up a bit more before deciding on a canoe.

So again, thank you all!