removing spray glue


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Help,I grabbed the spray glue instead of the spray finish,any ideas on how to get the glue of.Unfortunately its on the inside of the boat.Ive tried nail polish remover,thinking I need something stronger that won't affect the ca glue
Some time ago in the summer one of our toddlers decided to beautify our kitchen cabinet lowers with permanent marker. Cabinets are factory built cherry with typical polyurethane finish, and marker could not be budged with: soap, wd40, or varsol (in that order)
grabbed the Muskol aerosol bug repellent and on a whim sprayed it, and the marker began to run down the gable end and wiped up in one pass of a rag:eek:
Not ever going to spray that directly on skin again, kind of frightening.
FWIW, "Permanent" markers are generally removable with isopropyl alcohol (aka isopropanol, rubbing alcohol). That's probably what's in your bug spray, too.
Years ago when I was with the USFWS we used Vietnam war surplus bug dope. One had to be careful with it because it would melt the plastic on your sunglasses or take the paint right off the truck. Mean stuff.
Denis :eek: