I am happy to report that I will be reopening Dragonfly Canoe Works and returning to the business of building canoes! I will be breaking ground on my new shop in the spring an plan to be building by end of summer... Traditionally built lapstrake canoes will be my focus, and I'll be getting started on some Rushton reproductions (unless someone commissions something else first, nudge, nudge...)
In typical Miller fashion, the shop will be another timber frame, this time a French style frame reflecting the fact that the area we are in was settled by the French, and features curved timbers. See blueprint scans attached below.
I do intend to stay involved with the Museum in several ways, too...

In typical Miller fashion, the shop will be another timber frame, this time a French style frame reflecting the fact that the area we are in was settled by the French, and features curved timbers. See blueprint scans attached below.
I do intend to stay involved with the Museum in several ways, too...