protect paddle with a copper rim


New Member
Hello, is there experience with member of protecting the paddle blade's end with the copper rim that I see on two of my old family paddles? Any idea 1) who might sell these copper half-circle skins? 2) Whether it is fairly easy to make them? Here is an entry that tells me "No!, don't do it!" "...The general consensus on the WCHA forums was that such paddle tip protectors actually cause more damage as the nail or staple holes permit water penetration and eventually lead to rot. For some paddle makers, the old-time aesthetic appeal is a desirable addition..."
These have been discussed quite often on this site. I own several older paddles with copper tips. I do not like the idea of putting nails or tacks through the paddle blade to mount them.
I rarely use my "period correct" paddles anymore. Except for one really nice old Peterborough paddle, they are all a bit clunky, especially the 1960/70's Old Towns.
I use Branches paddles most of the time. These have epoxy tips that have hold up superbly. I used one a few weeks ago to separate my Jack Russel from a very large and angry raccoon.
I had them back in the '60s. Old Town used to make them and sell them back then. One of the problems was the catching on rocks in shallow streams or rivers.
One of the guys offering paddle making at the Assembly had a different idea. He said to slit the end of the paddle with a table saw, then epoxy in a tongue depressor to prevent splits along the grain. I'm thinking of doing it with the two paddles I made earlier this year.