Penn Yan Scout...


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Picked up this 16' Penn Yan Scout this morning in Ithaca NY, #GN5080. From 1950 I presume. All original except the seats.
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Wow looks immaculate, nice catch there. I hope you'll consider that shade of blue for its final colour, would look great on the water.
Well that seals it. I'm not partial to blue canoes, but this deal came with canvas, mud, and 2 cans of Epifanes in blue.
Can never go wrong with Epifanes paint, my favorite to work with bar none. Your deal just keeps getting better, way to go!
A while back I saw a web page that listed info for Penn Yan canoes - thinks like the canoe names, the stamped letter code for the name, along with other info like length. Can someone reply with that info or link please?
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Can't wait to see what you do with this one. There have been a lot of nice canoe's coming up for sale in Ithaca lately.