
The slice is just below the outwale so the edge of the canvas can be untacked. I am looking for a thin strong cloth that can be slipped between the planking and canvas with a strong adhesive of some sort to glue the cloth to the canvas. The top edge of the patch can be tacked back with the canvas to the inwale to avoid future tension. Can anyone suggest a patch material and adhesive that will do the job?

Many thanks, RC
I can send you a piece of canvas. That is what I have always used for patches. I have plenty of scraps around. Back in the day, Ambroid was used for cement. Go for Sig-ment if you can find it. Otherwise, I might consider using something like Textillum.
PM me with the size of the piece and an address. I'll mail it when I get back from Germany.
I have some scrap "Ballistic Cordura", yes that really is the name of the stuff, that might work as a backside patch for 2 pieces of regular canvas, you can google it to see if you think that will work. If you want some, let me know approx size. You might have to do some testing on various glues, something like E6000 comes to mind, you might need to run some tests.
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