Thanks everybody for the thoughts so far. This canoe did have outside stems originally--so I actually have the outside stems and the outwales are still long enough the fit over them. However, the canoe also originally had a keel, which I'd prefer to leave off. I'd be curious to know whether OT used a slightly wider stem when outside stems were planned. I've already canvassed and done 3 coats of Ekofill filler, so I no longer have access to super accurate dimensions of the face of the inner stem--but with the canvas and filler the stem face is between 5/8" and 11/16", which very nicely matches the width of the cove side of the outside stems. How thick are other stems out there? Using the outside stems would require a lot of wood to be faired away (to point of fragility??) and should I, or another future owner, ever want to re-install the keel, the outside stems wouldn't be usable. Hmmm?
Dave, about the epoxy fairing compound build up--any issues with the fairing compound being harder/more brittle and "chippy"/less flexible than the filled canvas?
thanks, Noel