Old Town sailing canoe serial number 90900


New Member
I recently acquired a 19 foot sailing canoe. the serial number is 90900. I'm trying to find out as much information about this canoe as possible before I start making repairs. attached are a few pictures of the canoe.


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The Old Town canoe with the serial number 90900 is a 25 foot long war canoe model so that isn't a good match. My guess is that you really have serial number 100606. This is a 19 foot long, AA (or top) grade, sail sled model with red western cedar planking, open mahogany gunwales, half ribs, a keel, outside stems, and a bang plate. It was built between January and February, 1929. The original exterior color was light green. It shipped on March 4th, 1929 to Rochelle Park, New Jersey. The back side of the card shows that a previous request for a copy of this record was received from Absecon, New Jersey on April 14th, 1971. Scans showing both sides of this build record can be found by following the links at the attached thumbnail images below.

These scans and several hundred thousand more were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/ot_records/ if you want more details. I appreciate your life membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See http://www.wcha.org/about-the-wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and http://store.wcha.org/WCHA-New-Membership.html to join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match your canoe. See http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?2612 for another example that showed up a few years ago. Good luck with the repairs. It looks like quite an ambitious project. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



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Benson, you were correct with your guess at the serial number. I took picture of serial number from other direction and you can see the one. Also the person that I got the sled from got it from someone in Absecon, about 15 miles from where I live.I didn't mention that I have the complete canoe, sail, sideboards, Runner and all the hardware. It is the biggest canoe that I've ever seen. So once I extend my shed about 5 feet I'm going to begin to work on it but I'm not sure where to start. The canvas doesn't seem to have any issues so I thought I would carefully sand it down to the original color and go from there. It has no broken or cracked ribs interior is in very good condition. I was just wondering if this is a fairly rare canoe because my post wasn't up long and somebody offered to buy it from me. Once I get started I will post my progress.
Thank you very much for your help, Ed
I was just wondering if this is a fairly rare canoe because my post wasn't up long and somebody offered to buy it from me.

These are somewhat rare and I was the person who asked if you wanted to sell it. Nine examples have been identified in the database described at http://wcha.org/legacypages/ot_records/ but there are probably more. It will be interesting to see what it looks like when fully rigged. Please keep us posted on your progress,

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