Old Town sailing canoe bow seat

chris pearson

Michigan Canoe Nut
Looking for a mahogany sailing canoe bow seat for a Carlton HW. Help! For that matter, all the rest of the pieces too!
Hey Chris,
good luck with the mahogany sailing bow seat. Actually, mahogany is not strong enough to support a sail or a butt. Of all the canoe seats that I have encountered, the ones that have broken were mahogany. Get a piece of ash and stain it mahogany-I know, the grain won't look right, but who knows besides . you.
Chris I can make you a copy of an old town sailing seat if you’d like, in ash or sapele.
Or send you patterns of the parts

I don’t have the special mast hole brass ring but could get it from spreingfield fan centerboard- I’m near Springfield mass.
Hi, Chris........AS THE ORIGINAL , can be a challenge , no ? If I were truly obstinate with the mahogany thing, this is what I would try and maybe put a piece of ash in a vice and give it a twist to fracture and then a piece of sepele, maybe even record the location and the force to cause fractures. Then, because you are intrigued, take another sepele and go to the drill press and set up for many ( ? ) , 3/8 ( ? ) dowel inserts drilled to be hidden on the outside edges . Maybe not worry about holes for caning. You need to be retired for this trial and have a strong sense of the fantastic.
Good luck and have fun, and if it works, tell no one but, maybe me and/or your wife.