Old Town rudder pintle photo needed

pat chapman

Willits biographer
I've wound up with a sailing rig for a 1957 Old Town canoe and everything is complete except the upper pintle is missing. It appears that it was a removable brass pin held in place with a smaller pin or cotter pin of some sort. Can someone post a photo showing the detail of the upper pintle, or give a description of it so I can reproduce it?


Funny you should post this question. I had my 1964 vintage Old Town rudder out tonight. I have attached a photo of the pintle. You can see there is a brass pin, but I'm not sure if this is how it was originally done. Any comments are appreciated.

Also, I am thinking about installing my rudder before Assembly to make it easier to beat Andre on the lake. ;)

Is gudgeon installation just a matter of finding a copper nail of the right diameter and peening the end over? Does anyone know where to find the right diameter for gudgeons?

PS: Benson has some photos here with fancier pins.



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Also, I am thinking about installing my rudder before Assembly to make it easier to beat Andre on the lake.

If you are working on a strategy, may i suggest you simply stay upright...:rolleyes:
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Three photos of the upper/lower pintles and rudder of my 1949 OT 18' HW. Tried to give you some detail. Upper pintle is removable and held in with a simple cotter pin on mine.


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Thanks, all. These photos are just what I needed and I can now go to a shop in town to get a replacement milled.