Old Town Parts: Free!


New Member
I just finished up the restoration of my 1943 Old Town and I have a few left over parts. These where parts I acquired with the purchase of the boat but I am unclear if they are original to the canoe or not.

- Bow and Stern Seat
- 2 x Thwart
- 2 x Stems

Everything looks to be oak. During the restoration I replaced all of these items with Mahogany or didn't use them. All the parts are in really good shape. The seats need to have a bit of the old varnish removed and I managed to gouge the underside of one of the seats as I was using the original seats as a guide to plane my new parts to correct thickness. Luckily when I slipped the plane rotated and didn't cut into the underside edge but rather the underside face of the seat so it shouldn't be visible.

Anyway if you are interested in the parts they are yours as long as you cover shipping!

Happy Building, Better Paddling


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