Old Town Paint Question


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I'm planning on recanvassing my 1932 Old Town Carleton this spring. The construction sheet shows what looks like 'Bit Red' as the original color. Would that be close to Kirby's # 21 "Rich Red'? Thank you for your help.
"Bit Red" may be Brt Red -- bright red. Handwritten abbreviations can be hard to decipher, and the scans of ther build records sometimes contribute to illegibility.

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Matching original colors exactly is problematic, unless your canoe has the original canvas and you can find a bit of the original paint that has been covered (by a gunwale, for example) since it was applied, and therefore hasn't faded (much). Printed paint charts are often not exact even when new, and are also subject to fading or otherwise changing color with age. Mostly, people just try to make a good guess, or don't even try, just painting the canoe a color they like, figuring the color can always be changed again in the future.
The construction sheet shows what looks like 'Bit Red' as the original color. Would that be close to Kirby's # 21 "Rich Red'? Thank you for your help.

It's hard to tell if the 21 or the 8 is closer.
They can mix the exact color you prefer