Old Town Octa 1915 #33300


Wood Girl #1186
I recently purchased a wonderful 16' OT Octa #33300 from DAve Osborn In Rockford, IL apparently Dan Miller had it before him. It needs restoration. I plan to make it a fun Dad/Daughter project. Any information on build/ship/ previous owners/ colors/ accoutrements? Splinter
Here is the build record for 33300.

Someone really has got to resist passing this canoe on and restore her. I was sorry to let it go, it was one of the sexiest Otcas I've ever seen....



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Sexiest Octa 33300

Well, the "boat" stops here!!! I don't know how many hands it was passed through before David's and mine, but I feel It was to be mine all along and that is why so many people passed it and it finally found it's way to me. My dad and I are already accumulating the materials and we will start it in 6 weeks. I want to thank you for any care you have given it before it found me. I am grateful to have this project that allows my dad and I to work closely together doing something we love. It's so great to spend time with him, I can't think of anything more fun. Except catching lot's of smallmouth bass on deerhair bugs.

It will be finished out with Cherry gunwales, thwarts and seats, and the exterior will be painted cream. My tan "Tina Turner" legs will be riding around in it this summer. Sexy ? You bet! With Gratitude, Splinter
Tan Tina Turner legs, hmm?

That settles it, this forum is way sexier than the vintage Airstream one!


You can verify the Tina Turner leg thing with Dave Osborn. He's the only one who's seen them.

Vintage Airstream, huh? Do you read Tom Robbins? He has a really wild book in which personification runs rampant and an a modified airstream pklays a central Role. I think the book is called "Skinny Legs and All". Excellent read for those favoring a departure from reality or for those types who purposely break with tradition by taking great leaps such as purposely bottoning your shirt askew. Highly recommended!

Where are you in Illinois? I am having a little social here April 22nd for those near enough by to show up. Watch the WCHA WI site for the invitation.
Sexiest Otca set free to be restored

Yes, Daniel..........you recall correctly. When I laid eyes on her in your shop I knew I had to have her!:p
It was a tough time for me when the flow of canoes was low early in my restoration habit. I snatched her up even without a counter offer!
Soon after, the inventory of derelict canoes and work load on other people's canoes grew and the "sexiest Otca around" was relegated to the overflow stable in a neighbor's loft along with a Kennebec that I had almost forgotten about. The Kennebec must have been good company for her, as she still retained her charm.

After talking with Splinter, she enquired about a project canoe. I knew it would be a good match. I offered her up, a deal was struck, and I delivered her to Splinter. I'm actually hoping to get to paddle her (not Splinter!) once she is fully restored.......
Launching the Otca 8 2008 176.jpg
I finished this in 2008 and Launched it with my did but, just getting it posted now. I did put a book together on the work we did together on this canoe which I am giving him for fathers day.