Old town Molitar 17" #236042-17 ? year

Brian DeRose

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I cannot find any informatiom on this I need help.


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Our Old Town records only go through serial number 210999, which dates to 1975. You might get information on your canoe from Old Town. Someone else here may be able to venture a guess as to the year, though.

If you use the "search" function above and type in "Molitor", you should find some interesting information. I haven't finished the article I've been working on for Wooden Canoe, but eventually there'll be a story on the Molitor, which has an interesting history.

More information on the Old Town Company can be found in Sue Audette's book, Old Town, Our First Hundred Years, which is available through the WCHA store and most booksellers, eBay, Amazon, and public libraries.

I would encourage you to contact the factory and ask them to search the boat records for the information you want as Kathy mentioned. They will probably charge $3 for this as listed at http://oldtown.wcha.org/parts.html under part number 01.1332.0100. My guess is that you have a canoe from 1981 or 1982 since I have a similar Molitor from 1982 with serial number 240003 as shown in the build record below.

You should also have a small tag under the outside rail on the starboard stern with the hull identification number (HIN) which will also have the shipping date. My canoe has M82L as the last four digits on this tag indicating that it shipped in July, 1982. Additional information about how the HIN has changed over the years can be found at http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/hin.htm if you want more details.

Please reply here if this does not get an answer to your question. Thanks,



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