Old Town Inquiry


New Member
Looking for historical info on Old Town canoe #41480. I believe it is 18'. My uncle bought it in the 40's and used it extensively on the Ausable in northern Michigan. I am looking for build information that might help me decide whether to restore it. It was fiberglassed years ago.
Ot 41480 - 18


The canoe you reference was shipped on 4.28/1916, to Atchison, Kansas. It was ordered as an 18' Model CR (Charles River) in AA grade with mahogeny gunwales, decks, seats and thwarts. It also had options of a keel and a floor rack. The original color was Dark Blue.

A copy of the build record is attached.

If you are not already a member, please consider joining the WCHA to help support this service and many others. These services have been brought about by substantial grants and volunteer time for the benefit of it's membership. Should you decide to repair or restore this fine old canoe, this is the site for expert advice from the experts.

Sorry to hear it was fiberglassed but there are people here that can guide you through that phase of restoration.




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Fiberglass removal

Thanks for the information. I assume the fiberglass is covering cedar planking. I've joined WCHA and looked around the site for info on fiberglass removal. Found some pieces of info, but would like to understand more about how much work it is to remove the fiberglass and recover the canoe vs. having a pro do it. I'm not that great around the wood shop. :confused:

If you could post some pictures for others to see that may help in the diagnosis. I have done one canoe with F/G covering and lucked out. It was polyester resin and the cedar oils made a quick release of the nasty stuff. Spent a whole week picking out all the little shards from the cracks and indentations. As others will tell, sometimes the F/G splits the cedar beyond reasonable repair. Jerry & Rollin have stated, "they can rebuild a canoe around a single rib". Depends on your pocket book and admiration for the canoe. Check out the builders directory and see if any of the Pro's are near you for an evaluation.

Best of luck
Hi, D. For what it is worth, I read the book twice and did not understand. And it's not the books. I just did not think I had what it took. It only takes commitment and time and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Now I have restored/rebuilt and built new. You gotta dive in, the water's fine. BTW took a nice trip down the trophy waters in a Chestnmut Ogilvy recently.
Regards, Dave.
Charles River update.

I was looking for info on the ser no and came accross this old thread. This canoe is in my barn at the moment and I can tell you, the 'glass was a bear to get off. I've been entrusted to restore it and I'm just getting started. It's going to be a challenge. I mistakenlly thought it to be 16' but it's 18'. I am taking photos and a couple videos so far. I sunk it for a few days to try to help with 'glass removal.
You. my dear Dave, are a glutton for punishment! However, I expect the ghosts of Mr. Rushton, Mr. Morris, Mr. Gray, Mr. Wickett, Mr. White, and all the Thompson Brothers visit your shop on a regular basis!
It is not widely known, but the Maritime Museum has devised a way to recover the Edmund Fitzgerald and have been in contact with Wermuth Boat Wrecks....er...um, I mean Wermuth Boat Werks. After viewing his magical transformation and complete recoveries on derilect, distended and shredded wooden craft, they have tendered the above mentioned Wermuth Boat Werks a consulting contract to piece the once mighty vessel back together.
101_1810.JPGThe Titanic was built by professionals.. the Ark was built by an amateur...Like me. And I only told them that if they bring it here, i'll fix it. Remember the P'boro Northboy Flatback? They were very happy with it.
This is how Paul Bunyan got to be Paul Bunyan, and John Henry got to be John Henry... people started stories... One day, Wermuth Boat Werks will be a Folk Legend!

Or is it already?
I was wrong. I was right afterall. The initial thread for 41480 was mistakenly posted for 41484. I thought it was 16' and then saw that it wwas posted to be 18' So I measured and check the numbers. The real number is 41480 16 and it is 16' long. I think i'll start a new thread with photo.