It was built in 1977 and it's not fiberglass. It's made from "Oltonar" which is Old Town's name for Royalex. Royalex is a Uniroyal prodect and it's a lamination of thin vinyl skins, inside and out, over layers of ABS plastic and a closed-cell foam core in the center. From the profile, it looks like a 17'2" Old Town Tripper (a somewhat heavy, but seaworthy tripping/whitewater-touring canoe). They're kind of bouncy on the bottom and slow in smooth water, but will carry a big load due to their depth. They were also popular as a big whitewater single when outfitted with flotation bags. The gunwales are rigid vinyl, the decks and seats are vacum-formed ABS plastic. 37" beam, 25" bow height, 15" depth in the middle. Catalog weight listed as 76 lbs. (most were closer to 80). Gunwales on these big ones are vinyl with an aluminum channel inside them.
It looks like somebody has modified the seats and lowered them (they weren't originally hung on bolts with spacers) and it looks like the stems have had Kevlar skid plates installed on them. This is good, because Trippers have sort of a big round area at the bottom of the stems that tends to abrade badly. The skid plates will stop this problem.