Old Town Discovery 174


New Member
old town discovery xtc171076293 I know shes not a woody but got her for a song. a bit heavy but she travels strait and true thanks
The information at http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/hin.htm indicates that your canoe is from 1993. The scanned Old Town records stop at 210999 around 1975 so none of us here have any newer information immediately available. You may be able to contact the customer service department at the Old Town Canoe Company and get a copy from their paper records if they are not too busy. Please reply here if they are not able to satisfy your request. The chart at http://forums.wcha.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=24294&d=1360203686 shows that the paper records stopped in the early 1990s so yours may not be easy to locate. Good luck,
