old town carleton model

Not all Old Town and Carleton canoe gunwales are created equal. The Carleton canoe you asked about at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?11297 has closed gunwales. The dimensions of some similar Old Town canoes with closed gunwales are described and shown at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?3815 in some detail. An Old Town canoe from 1927 with open gunwales in my garage has inside gunwales that are approximately 3/4 inches wide (horizontally) and the outside gunwales are about 7/8 inches wide amidships. They are both about 7/8 inches high (vertically). These are all tapered to about 1/2 inch wide at the ends. Please reply here with more specifics if this doesn't answer your question.
