The Old Town factory died long ago. This just makes it official.
I first visited the factory around 1965 or so. There were forms, canoes, people everywhere. The factory was buzzing with activity. There were mountains of wood chips, miles of cedar, experienced builders with hammer and brush in hand....what a cool place to visit. I had never seen any place like it.
My last visit in 2003 (?) was the worst. There was no factory access available. I visited the shop and left without seeing the factory... a first for me. On recent trips to Maine we by-passed Old Town, there was no need to visit a catalog store.
Between my first and last visits I saw the changes taking place. There were fewer forms, there were fewer canoes in process, the wood canoe area was relocated..the glass, kevlar, rubber canoes took over more space.
On my last factory visit there was only one canoe on a form, an Otca. There was no one working on it. For me, OT was dead at that point.
I remember a similar occurrence at White. On my first visit they were still making wooden canoes. On my next visit they were making some seriously ugly fiberglass canoes and the wooden forms were stored in a corner...
Interestingly the common thread is that the White forms ended up in the hands of skilled folks dedicated to the craft of making wood and canvas canoes. It seems appropriate that the OT forms will pass to the same skilled hands.
OT is dead, but OT canoes are not.
Let's give our best wishes to Island Falls Canoe Company.