Old Town 31632 is a 17' CS (common sense, or middle) grade Charles River model canoe with closed spruce gunwales, ash decks, thwarts, and seat frames that was originally painted dark green. It was shipped to Easton, MD, on June 17, 1914.
Old Town 51632 is a more likely fit to the canoe in your pictures--- it is a 17' AA (top) grade Charles River model, completed February-December 1918 with closed mahogany gunwales, Western red cedar planking, mahogany decks, thwarts, and seat frames, a keel, and a floor rack. Originally it was painted khaki brown. It was shipped to Philadelphia on January 9, 1919.
Neither record mentions the half ribs. If the Philadelphia location seems wrong, we can keep looking. Other than the half-ribs, what's mentioned on the 51632 scan appears (to me) to fit-- unless that's a 20" deck with coaming, in which case we should be looking for an Otca. The scans of these records are attached below-- click to get a larger image.
This scan and several hundred thousand others were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at
http://www.wcha.org/ot_records/ if you want more details. I hope that you and anyone else reading this will join or renew membership in the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See
http://www.wcha.org/wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and
http://www.wcha.org/join.php to renew.