Old Town #191605


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Came across an older Old Town in a friends basement. I do remember using it years and years ago but never got around to checking it out. It is serial number 191605 and has a square stern and has oarlocks installed. Any chance these were original to the canoe ? Thanking you in advance....cheers......
The Old Town with serial number 191605 is an 15 foot long square end model with a canvas covering, a keel, half ribs, and outside stems. It was built between October and November, 1972. The original exterior paint color was dark green. It shipped on December, 14th, 1972 to Acton, Mass. It may have moved to Milton, Mass. by April, 1975 when there was a previous request for a copy of this build record. Scans showing both sides of this build record can be found in the links at the thumbnail images below.

These scans and several hundred thousand more were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. A description of the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/ot_records/ if you want more details. I hope that you will join or renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See http://www.wcha.org/about-the-wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and http://store.wcha.org/WCHA-New-Membership.html to join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match your boat. This model was not listed in the 1972 catalog but the 1971 catalog description of this model says "it has half ribs, oarlocks, bow, stern, and rowing seats, outside stem and painter ring as standard equipment." More information like this is available from http://store.wcha.org/The-Complete-Old-Town-Canoe-Company-Catalog-Collection-CD-ROM.html in the catalog collection. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



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I purchased and picked up this Sq Stern yesterday, 12/28/19. I will restore and sell in the spring or summer.
Pottstown PA 19464