Thank you Benson, for the info. I've send in my membership, but don't have the number yet
This canoe is in pretty good shape, except that it was stored improperly. Store on side till wood rots, then flip over and store on other side till wood rots. The outer rails and sponson rub-rails are pretty much shot, but I see no broken ribs. It was covered with fiberglass, and I was reluctant to take it, but it was free... When I got home, I picked at the glass, and it came off quite easily, I was surprised. From what I've read on the forum, it may be polyester resin instead of epoxy. It probably only had one coat of epoxy/poly on it. I've built a cosine wherry stripper and there is no way that fiberglass is going to peel off like this did.
There are only two diamond head bolts, and these appear to be steel, not brass. also the stem bands are steel also.
I'm curious if people think the rib ends have been cut down when this was glassed. With the sponsons, the boat looks a little shallow. Right now, she is resting under a blue tarp in the yard until I can make some room in the garage to begin restoration. Does anyone have a lead on where I can get long lengths of spruce or ash in northern new jersey or surrounding area?
Thanks again,