Blown away
Agreed, we too were blown away. I got my issue yesterday, and couldn't put it down. Patty, great job cover to cover. It was nice to see the Assembly in color. But for me, it was the articles that really touched me.
As we move forward with the preservation of our IG, I often daydream that probably the Roundy bros. worked on our IG. And wonder if this IG could have been the one that might have convinced J. Henry there is some merit in appling canvas to a canoe, although I doubt it. I think there are folks that understand .
This issue was relationships cover to cover; Dave Mussey's relationship with Jerry, Fran the mink, and the dance; Chris Pearson's relationships with Elizabeth, Dave, John, Russ, his Dad & brothers; Dan Miller's article on the Assembly, and the relationship's that develop, are nurtured and rekindled each year; the relationships between the quilters, relationships within the chapters; 'Raising "Cane"; even every candidate for the board of Directors in some way expressed that helping "wooden canoe people connect with each other is still the most crirical part of the WCHA's mission". Thank you contributors for making this issue dance from page to page, beautiful.
Dave Davidson