NYS Sailing canoe registration


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Does anyone know if it is required by the DMV to register a canoe with a removable sail rig in NYS? I know it's required to register a sailboat but a canoe is not required. When you add a sail what's the requirement?

I'm almost done with my Old Town and will post a couple of pics when I get it set up.


Jim C.
Sailing canoe registration

Here in Silli-noise, they require registration numbers (2" tall, etc) on all sailboats, except sailboards. I asked specifdically about a canoe rigged for sailing, and got a squirrelly answer: if the canoe is primarily used for sailing, then it needs the 2" reg numbers. If it's not used primarily for sailing, it only needs the boat reg sticker. SO... if I ever get caught with my canoe under sail, I can point the finger at CPO Jeff Kelley, District 3, and claim I only sail it occasionally. FWIW.
Thank you

Thank you Dan, a wealth of knowledge as usual. Actually I could have found the answer myself if I had poked around the DMV website a little.

Pictures maybe next week. I can't wait to get it on the water.

Jim C.