Rob Stevens
Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I'm working on developing the program for next summer's Assembly in New Hampshire. The theme is "Guide Canoes and Guide Culture".
So far, I have quite a few contacts with Maine guides, but few from NH, VT, NY and places beyond (Midewest/Minn/Wis, NW, deep south)?
Does anyone know a working or retired guide who would be a good presenter/workshop leader on the topic of their choice?
Anyone know how to contact Gary Hodgkins, the now retired ranger who patrolled the area around Paul Smiths -and usually showed up at Assembly? He always had interesting stories to share.
So far, I have quite a few contacts with Maine guides, but few from NH, VT, NY and places beyond (Midewest/Minn/Wis, NW, deep south)?
Does anyone know a working or retired guide who would be a good presenter/workshop leader on the topic of their choice?
Anyone know how to contact Gary Hodgkins, the now retired ranger who patrolled the area around Paul Smiths -and usually showed up at Assembly? He always had interesting stories to share.