2010 Assembly in NH!

Rob Stevens

Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In case you hadn't heard, the 2010 WCHA Assembly will be in New Hampshire (details below).
The theme is Guide Canoes (featuring Horace Strong) and Guide Culture. Of course, there is considerable latitude for including heritage related demos, workshops, etc. Please give it some thought and consider whether you'd be interested and available to attend, present, or do a demo, lead a workshop, or otherwise have a display. Or recommend an appropriate resource person.

Rob Stevens
WCHA Assembly Program Coordinator

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association’s
Annual Assembly, 2010
Early Notice (Mark it in your calendar, plan to attend!)
Dates: July 14-18, 2010

Theme: Guiding Canoes and Guide Culture
(also featuring canoe builder Horace Strong)

Franklin Pierce University, New Hampshire
40 University Drive, Rindge, NH 03461
Maps & directions; http://www.franklinpierce.edu/directions.htm
The Assembly Planning Committee met on-site at Franklin Pierce University (Rindge, NH) last weekend. The program is starting to look good, though it's early, so not everyone we hope to have as feature presenters are confirmed yet.
Anyone who has a skill, experience, or idea they are willing to share, demonstrate, present or lead a workshop about is welcome to contact us.
Also, if you want to recommend someone else as a resource person, please check with them that they agree, then share a description and contact info for us to follow up.

Rob Stevens
Program Coordinator, WCHA Annual Assembly
The attached images show the beach with some of the dorms, the green for cedar city with the dining hall, and the walk between the two which Bob Bassett took.



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Hi All,
Here is the provisional DRAFT of this summer's Assembly program activities.
There's still time to offer your expertise if you have something to share.

I just heard from David Houghton that he will make the trip over from England.

Rob Stevens
Program Coordinator
WHCA Annual Assembly


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How much? Can some fees be posted so some of us have an idea of how much it will cost to attend not including our transportation costs.
I have asked Annie Burke, Executive Director, whether these details have been hammered out yet.
Wireless web.? Video conference.?

The agenda list for the multi day event looks very exciting.. Would this location possible have wireless web signal .??

Also could a video signal be allowed to send out on the web.? Even the latest laptops work very well with webcam & Skype,(example).. Maybe during the evening speeches. Not all the technical workshops, but for some distant members or recent illness might enjoy some faces, greetings from the event.

Do members take lots of outside video & get sold on DVD.? or just show up on You Tube.
MikeCav has done Assembly videos for use by the chapters... otherwise, it's whatever shows up on YouTube.

Would be great to make at least some of the major presentations available live. Don't all universities these days have wireless internet?
Will there be a "Paddle By" on Sat night? Fred

As shown in the attached program, the Paddle Bye and Salute will be Friday night following the Membership meeting.
This accommodates anyone who wants to participate but also has to travel long distances on Sunday morning by allowing them to get packed up and ready to go without doing so in the dark. There have also been numerous requests that Paddle By be earlier in the evening (and not have the audience facing west into the sunset) to facilitate photography.

And we have two awesome speakers for Saturday evening.

Friday Evening Paddle-by

I like that the Paddle-by has been moved to Friday. That means that on Saturday after the auction some of us will be able to head home and not miss one of the premiere events of the Assembly.
Alex, I'll be racing you back to Ontario... Great that I'll get to see a paddle by, could never stick around long enough to take one in.
Would this location possible have wireless web signal .??

Also could a video signal be allowed to send out on the web.? Even the latest laptops work very well with webcam & Skype,(example).. Maybe during the evening speeches. Not all the technical workshops, but for some distant members or recent illness might enjoy some faces, greetings from the event.

Do members take lots of outside video & get sold on DVD.? or just show up on You Tube.

I had no trouble getting wireless network (WiFi) access to the internet near their academic buildings and external cellular phone connections everywhere during the planning meetings last fall.

Live audio and video streaming to the internet at large with good quality is considerably more involved and may take a fair amount of time, money, effort to set up. Let me know if anyone is interested in taking on a project like this. Thanks,

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website link connection

BENSON: .Believe I have a Free idea towards getting the club / assn more connected. Wifes Bluegrass music club has been doing Tuesday 8pm audio room chats for awhile, via PALTALK.com . A free link to download & select a screen / nick.name like here. . Not sure if canoe club does a weekly chat .?

. Site is offering a TEN member video connection versus the ONE for SKYPE.com & not sure latest about GOOGLE .TALK.? . Gathering this info / trial also for our church events.

. If some members wish to sample PALTALK site lets share info . Looks like one would get a personal family URL like htp/www.superIM.me/nickname OR a custom URL for club could be .? //WoodCanoeAssn.superim.Me . Also on this route a PASSWORD could be given out to Wcha members for the chat room Log In.
. ps One does NOT need a web.CAM on their pc to VIEW source video.
... If successful ,one of my 1st sessions would be interview the local wood instructor, class shop who is repairing Seliga canoes.
Annie Burke (Executive Director) tells me we are over 300 pre-registered for Assembly! This looking like it will be the largest attendance in our 31 year history!