Hello all, great group you have here, should be good for many hours of reading. 
I am the owner of what I was told was a Chestnut canoe but when I took it to a local canoe shop for a restoration, the owner tells me that it is not a Chestnut because the ribs in a Chestnut have beveled edges; although when he first saw the profile he thought it was a Chestnut Ogilvy. I am only mildly disappointed because the boat paddles like a dream so she will be restored anyway. This brings me to my question: is there any way that a canoe's lineage can be identified with any certainty? Is is possible to post pics or dimensions to this forum and have some of the more knowledgeable members attempt to dissect the boats ancestry? If this is possible, what areas should the pics show? Also, the boat had been canvas but at some point was glassed over; am I going to run into problems if I tell the builder to canvas her instead of glass?
Thanks in advance

I am the owner of what I was told was a Chestnut canoe but when I took it to a local canoe shop for a restoration, the owner tells me that it is not a Chestnut because the ribs in a Chestnut have beveled edges; although when he first saw the profile he thought it was a Chestnut Ogilvy. I am only mildly disappointed because the boat paddles like a dream so she will be restored anyway. This brings me to my question: is there any way that a canoe's lineage can be identified with any certainty? Is is possible to post pics or dimensions to this forum and have some of the more knowledgeable members attempt to dissect the boats ancestry? If this is possible, what areas should the pics show? Also, the boat had been canvas but at some point was glassed over; am I going to run into problems if I tell the builder to canvas her instead of glass?
Thanks in advance