New skin


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I pulled the old canvas from my canoe Saturday. The planking appears to be solid with some dry rot.
The wood is extremely dry. I would like to preserve the canoe as original as possible. Is there a product that I can put on the wood to replace the oil that has been lost? Linseed? Turpentine?
Are there wood stabilizers that can be used with some dry rot?
Thank You!


50-50 turps BOILED linseed is standard for that. I would want to see what is under the keel before worrying about that though....
1 to 1 Linseed/turpentine

Agreed, you still have a little work on the keel and wales but that done it is time for the 1 to 1 Turpentine and boiled linseed oil. Following someone else's advice I put two canoes like yours out in the sun as well as the pot of 1 to 1.
With all surfaces hot I lathered on the mixture and used a quasrt and a half on each canoe. next day I turned them over and did the same inside. Again, old dry wood soaked up a lot. A canvas restoration took less but the bare wood sure runs through the boat juice. Yes, I gave each boat two coats in and out.
Thanks guys!
I have used Turpentine and boiled linseed oil for years on hammer handles. Glad to know it will work on a canoe. I appreciate your feedback as I am ignorant of canoe repair and woodwork in general. Being a Blacksmith I have only used wood as kindling. I want to keep this canoe as original as possible while still restoring it's functionality.
Thanks Again!
Removed Keel Saturday. Not finding a lot of rot. All screws were tight and backed out like the wood is solid. Please look at pictures and tell me if you think I can get this canoe back to serviceability with a good re-oiling and
Thanks a bunch!





tell me if you think I can get this canoe back to serviceability...

Sure, and a lot worse than that have been returned to srvice. Lots Worse! Thats looks like a piece of cake.
