I have read this book cover to cover and the wealth of information on a how to build your own Adirondack Guide Boat is outstanding. It takes you step by step through the own process with clear explanations and photos accompanying along the entire project. I have long coveted building my own Adirondack Guide Boat and this book is going to be the incentive for me to finally undertake this challenging construction project. No LOFTING. no FIBERGLASSING

. Full sized drawings now available of all the ribs and other major components, is a big time saver right from the start and an even bigger incentive to begin.
In my search for information on AGB, I came across this forum and immediately registered. Saw this post on the book, over 900 views but no comments, so thought this would be a good place for my first post.
The AGBs builds I have viewed on this forum are all outstanding, I can only hope I will achieve something similar. I am a woodworker, so I have most of the tools already. My boat building experience has been another hobby, scratch building wood Radio Controlled Sailboats

, the largest was a 72" hull. So building a 16 foot Guide boat is going to be different level challenge but one I am excited to undertake. I am certain to be asking some input and advice from the rest of you builders along the way. I have accumulated a good supply of Clear Western Red Cedar, so my intention is to build a cedar stripped Guide boat. Although the wide planked Guide Boats done as the originals certainly are enticing and look so awesome! Perhaps on my second Guide Boat.
I understand because of my being a Newbie, I cannot post links. I did leave a review of John Michne book on the Canadian Amazon site. Hard to believe my review is the only one currently on any Amazon site. So hopefully I am not out of line by posting a copy of that review here.
"I had purchased the first edition of Building an Adirondack Guide Boat co-authored by Michael Olivette and John Michne. I was looking forward to this revised book and it far exceeded my expectations. Yes there are some repeat chapters from the first edition, mainly the history of the boats and there was no point in rewriting history. The newly expanded and updated information concerns the construction, the heart of the writing. There are several gems within these new Chapters and the two prime ones that come immediately to mind, are the CAD full sized drawings of the ribs (and other major parts) made available by the Author. In the first edition, one had to manually loft all thirteen rib patterns. The amount of time and effort this saves is literally hours. It gets even better when the Author details an alternate to the strip edged cedar (that is fully covered in detail also) and that is planking with wide planks to replicate the appearance and form of the original Guide boats. this is achieved utilizing modern methods but still yields "old time" results. There.are several instances where the Author offers new advice on building these boats, reflected on by his experiences gained on building multiple boats after the first edition was published. An outstanding book by John Michne on building these outstanding boats."