National Canoe Day/Northern Lakes Chapter

Andre Cloutier

Firestarter. Wicked Firestarter.
Thats right, Canoe Day!

In 2007, the canoe was named one of the Seven Wonders of Canada via a CBC Radio feature in which over 1 million votes were cast. In celebration of this, the Canadian Canoe Museum founded National Canoe Day with the aim of increasing participation in paddlesports in Canada, engaging new paddlers and reaching across generational and cultural divides to introduce the canoe to those who haven't had the opportunity to experience this great national heritage. In the intervening years, National Canoe Day has grown to become a truly countrywide event, with participants paddling across the country, from the midnight sun of the north to the urban rivers of the south. National Canoe Day was also celebrated internationally by groups in the United States and the United Kingdom

Title: Peterborough - National Canoe Day Party
When: 26.06.2010 - 26.06.2010
Where: Beavermead Park - Peterborough
Category: Ontario Description
Peterborough celebrates the great Canadian tradition of canoing! Canoe rides and demonstrations, barbeque, live music and activities for all ages (including the Great Canadian Mini Cardboard Canoe Challenge!).

More details TBA.

Come join the Canadian Canoe Museum and help represent the WCHA/Northern Lakes Chapter at this great event.
National Canoe Day - Peterborough event

In speaking with the Canoe Museum folks who are running the Peterborough event they said the celebrations run from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. After 2:00 pm there will be a short paddle to the lift lock. Arrangements have been made for people to ride up and down the lock in their canoe. For those who missed that event at the Assembly in 2008, here's another opportunity to experience a fun ride in your favourite boat!
Check out this article fro Peterborough Examiner, Especially note this:

The Lakefield Trail Stewardship Committee is inviting anyone with a wooden canoe to participate June 26 in a canoe flotilla to celebrate the unveiling of a memorial plaque in honour of master canoe builder Walter Walker; launch at the Lakefield beach at 9:30 a.m. and paddle across the Otonabee River to Bridge St. in Lakefield. 652-7402. At 10 a.m they will unveil a memorial plaque marking his achievements on Water St. beside the bench that Walker's family donated to the Lakefield Trail in honour of his 100th birthday. The public is welcome to attend.
I'm going to be at Beavermead Park early Saturday....likely camping over at city campground there on Friday and Saturday nights....see everybody at about 9 or 9:30 am to help set up....I'm also helping out with ORCKA and possibly CCM....will have a very fine 16 ft. wood canvas canoe (built by Bruce Smith) for display and paddling (I've decided to restore the Peterborough Minetta properly....recanvas etc. so I won't be bringing)....and if anybody shows up without a ride, I have space in the canoe for paddle to liftlock....looking forward to National Canoe Day
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Northern lakes chapter at National canoe day

Rained to beat the band, but great event and a paddle to the lift lock (highest lift around, about 60') was a great time. Northern lakes was out, with the Canadian Canoe Museum, Orcka, and others. Sailing, paddling, all kinds of boats. Rob even paddled his new acquisition.


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Northern lakes chapter at National canoe day

It was a fun day Andre. Here are a couple more photo's.


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Truly a great's a few more pictures:


Dick Persson's lovely canoe.


Old Town sailing canoe.


ORCKA booth...where I hung out a bit when I wasn't wandering around and salivating over all the great canoes.


The new wood canvas canoe built by Bruce Smith....also a very fine paddlemaker....that I was drooling over every time I got to paddle it. It was set up beside the ORCKA booth.

Caption Contest:


"Hey, did you flip your 16/30? No, that wasn't me, was it you?"